Access to Land

Land Ownership Categories

Kano State recognizes three land ownership structures: Government lands, Customary lands governed by local communities, and Private freehold lands. Foreign entities can access land via government leases or local partnerships.

Land Application Process

Investors approach the Kano State Ministry of Land and Physical Planning specifying desired acreage, locale and land type matched with the scale and sectors of their business projects. The Lands Bureau vets applications regarding zone designations and grant considerations.  


The Kano State Investment Promotion Agency assists investors in undertaking negotiations, survey administration, title transfers and registration payments required to formally secure land access rights for commercial use including construction permits.  

Fees and Timeframe

Land lease and certificate costs depend on factors like location, tenure period, etc. However investors can expect around ₦120,000-₦500,000 in upfront payments to agencies. After securing land rights, construction permits require separate municipal approvals spanning 2-6 months typically.

Construction Permit Procedures in Kano

An investor who has acquired land and requires a construction permit in Kano needs to follow these steps:

Prepare architectural and engineering drawings for the proposed building using professionals registered with the Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) or the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).

Submit a formal application to the Kano State Urban Planning and Development Authority (KNUPDA) along with the building plans, land title documents, company registration papers, and environmental impact assessment (if required).

Pay the necessary permit fees and development charges as determined by KNUPDA based on the size and nature of the construction. Extra scrutiny fees may apply for factories or large commercial buildings.

The building plans undergo reviews and approvals by KNUPDA’s technical committees and the Kano Urban Planning Council. Recommendations may be provided for modifications.

Once approved, KNUPDA issues a development permit specifying any terms and conditions. Permits are typically valid for 2 years and can be renewed or extended.

During construction, regular inspections are carried out by KNUPDA officials and relevant professionals to ensure conformity to the approved plans.

After completion of construction, a certificate of fitness for occupancy is obtained from KNUPDA following a final on-site assessment. This certifies the building is suitable for occupation as per safety standards.